Young children have a curious mind and develop an interest in a range of scientific topics from a young age.
They are often excited by the natural world, both present and past. A topic such as the dinosaurs often piques their interest, and they then want to learn all the creatures’ names and are fascinated about why they existed. This is why it’s a good idea to have around the home a variety of science picture books and educational DVDs as it really does build the child’s interests at a critical time in their development. It also helps if you encourage children by making direct observations about the world around you, you can do this by doing some gardening and getting the child to plant some seeds or draw what they think the plants will look like once they have grown.
It does help to have a positive attitude toward science yourself. Just simply start by asking your child questions about the things you see, hear and do every day. Listen to their answer without judging it or judging them. Listening without judging will improve their confidence, and help you determine just what your child does or does not know.
Different children have different interests so they need different kinds of science projects. A rock collection may interest your young son but your older daughter may need something more active and hands-on. Luckily, knowing your child is the best way to find enjoyable learning activities. Here are some tips to help you:
Start by choosing activities that are the right level of difficulty. If you are unsure if the child will find it too easy or too hard, pick something that is in the middle since you don’t want to discourage a child by making science frustrating. The child will learn to do the harder project later on.
Read the suggested ages on any books or science activities kits, but then make sure before giving it to your child that it’s appropriate regardless of age. If a child is interested in a specific topic, they may be able to do those activities which are normally reserved for older kids.
Let your child help choose the project or activity. It’s easy enough to ask. Rather than overwhelm them, suggest 2 or 3 possibilities. When a child picks something they are interested in, they will enjoy it and learn more from it.